10 September 2016

How to easily welcome 200,000 visitors to your websites within one week?

How to easily welcome 200,000 visitors to your websites in one week?

The star is your domain selection.
This is very important to attach your topic and to the search engine and keyword. I think everybody knows about it even some technics that about the domain Names and social medias.
Because the people who really like social Medias. People getting first information rather than websites, they get it from social medias.so the domain name should consider the social media coverage for the content.

 The first
You write a good own article or not copied article with attractive Keywords from your topic.
The key word of your topic is leaded the readers and traffic to your web site.
So whatever your topic, you maintain the keyword and SEO. This will help you to drag thousands of new readers to your blog. If you continue this, times to time then the reads will change as costumers of your site and will tell others about the reading and share the posts in social Medias. So do not think to copy any post or change the article method .you read and write on your own and own explanation.

The 2nd
The Easy step is to attract people the new post in new way. This is meant that if you want to write a new post then make the post an artificial look and meaning .The mater could be clear understandable not talk more  and more but use some picture explanation.

The 3rd
Really the suffer is to get traffic and covert as customers. So you have your eye to convert to customs. Traffic can be achieved easily by using some technic even that should be a permanent. This is the major problem, so regular attractive posts and polls will help to continue with a relationship with customers.

This is new to readers, because you can get some results from the customers and make a competitions for the readers .According to the competition, you can send some gift to the customers to attract more competitors as your readers.
When you make competition, then you can share some video presentation through youtube.com .you also can select some people and publish their photos as prize winners. This also helps you to attract traffic to your sites.

The guest post
You mention the guest post also important because this will lead the new visitors to your website and intend them to tell others about your web.so easily share the links through social medias with the attractive gust post that attract more people as visitors and customers.

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