6 May 2016

how to remove a virus manually

Step 1
Run msconfig and look for suspicious files. Here we see one. It’s unknown, and it also has a startup key that we’ve never seen until recently. Uncheck it from start up and/or from services.
If you think you are being monitored. Open Command Prompt and do the following

Step 2:  Move to the location where the virus program resided in your computer. [Example: I will move the  location C]
Step 3: And then type the following command to display all hidden virus files reside in location D.
 dir /ah

Step 4: To identify the virus file that will be deleted. See autorun.inf  file then recognizes the name of the virus. You do not recognize which is virus file follow my command. Let's assume the autorun.inf located in local disk C. Now open the file using the following command.
 Notepad c:/autorun.inf


You will see the above image open=command in autorun.inf, then that’s virus name. Now we easily identify the viruses.

Step 5: Next step we will find the hidden virus file. Actually virus files are invisible now we will use the command to find the hidden virus file.
 attrib –s –h “filename” /s /d   [file name is name for the virus file]
Step 6: Delete the file using the following command.
 del “filename” /f    [f means force to delete the virus file]
Step 7: After applying above command the virus file deleted successfully. The is one of the best procedure for how to remove viruses from PC.

manually removing viruses and malware from your computer. If you want to use an anti-virus program instead, please check out this tutorial written by Burritobob. This tutorial's best intention is focused around removing RAT and Keylogger viruses.

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